Cafe Mozaic

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Vivanta by Taj M G Bangalore 41/,, Times Building, MG Road, 3rd Block, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560001
080666 04444


The easy charm and classic comfort dishes (from both East & West) make Café Mozaic a lively scene, even at the oddest hour. The look is chic, the vibe informal. Splashes of colour, trendy furnishings, and artistic food presentations set the tone.

There is no better choice for 3 a.m. coffee or pizza attack. Fans rave about the late night bacon & eggs and the business crowd loves their long poolside lunches with Kheema Pav. Whenever you need to need to eat, Café Mozaic is there with exactly what you need. We’ll even pack you a breakfast to go.

Cafe Mozaic Photo shoots
Cafe Mozaic Photo shoots
Cafe Mozaic Photo shoots
Cafe Mozaic Photo shoots
Cafe Mozaic Photo shoots
Cafe Mozaic Photo shoots

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