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Photographers will be alerting our clients to uphold the privacy and as stated by Google’s protocol all the faces will be blurred while taking the photographs.

Within 10 business days your business tour will be loaded on Google’s network.

The inside view is equal to the view a customer gets to see when he enters into your store and your competitors will not be able to see anything more than that.

Yes of course …when people search your business on Google they will be able to get a visual treat of your stores interior and that will be helpful for them.

These shoots can be done only by the Google Trusted Photographers who have gone through the extensive training and continuous updation to new policies and procedures related to the Business Photos program.

For this question just click the Pricing page wherein we have quoted the prices according to the available packages.

Any agency or any photographers to become the trusted agency has to meet the appropriate standards and guidelines created by Google. Only those who maintain these standards are recognized and are able to carry this kind of photoshoots.

The images will be displayed on the search result page which will be directly visible to your potential customers when he searches your business name on Google. These panoramic images will also be published on Google+ Local pages, Google Maps and other Google properties. Customers will get a sense of the layout, decor and beauty of your business interior.


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