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10 questions to be asked before a website developer is hired..


10 questions to be asked before a website developer is hired.

Table of Contents

Website development is just like a jigsaw puzzle. The more you get involved in it the more you get better. An efficient developer is the backbone of a good website. So here are some of the questions which will help you to hire a good expert to create a professional website.

1. Selection of the theme- Is it a vital task?

A website can be made appealing by using different themes available in WordPress. Business owner should have a clear idea about the theme used for his website. The developer can either choose to apply the existing theme or can design a custom theme or customize an existing theme. An owner of the site should be aware of all the pros and cons of the themes to be utilized in his website.

2.Website – will it be mobile friendly ?

The website should be mobile friendly and it should perfectly work on all devices, browsers and different platforms. This is possible only by making it responsive.

3. Plugins – will there be any installed on this site ?

WordPress is user friendly but it is recommended to install latest plugins to the site for the high end results. The developer should be well versed with the techniques of optimizing WordPress .He should also have good knowledge of all the aspects of permalinks and canonicalization problems related to the creation of the sites.

4. Security of the website-how will it be taken care of ?

WordPress is a free open source software which is popular but face the threats of hackers. To keep it protected from such issues the developer should adopt coding techniques to the sites which will lead to keep your site updated. He should also be aware of the tools to be used for the security purposes.

5. Will there be a backup solution for this site ?

It is recommended to have a backup solution for your site as the future is unpredictable. No one knows in advance when and what problem will the website face.

6. Go through the portfolio of the developer and ask the time period of the project ?

Study of portfolio will help the business owner to be sure of the expertise and to know more about the projects they have accomplished in the past. Owner should also be aware of the time period needed by the developer to complete his work.

7. Will he provide a guidance on the use of the website ?

A business owner who is new to the WordPress technology should confirm with the developer whether he will help in updating your blog posts.

8. Website testing- will it be conducted ?

Precise website testing is the most crucial aspect which has to be carried out before it goes live to check the compatibility with the latest versions of popular browsers should also be tested.

9. Maintenance of the site – what will be the cost of the same ?

Even though website development is a one-time process, maintaining that site to keep it lively is the real challenge in front of the company. Business owner should ensure and that the developer provides maintenance to your website even after completion of the project.

10. Will the site follow web standard ?

Customer who visits the site will not be using the same operating system or the same web browser. Hence the site which is developed should be following the standards to enable uniformity on all major browsers. Developer should be asked to neatly code the website and also use the advanced technologies like HTML, CSS etc.


Choosing a right developer will be the step stone towards the success of your website development. To ensure the expertise of the developer all the above questions should be asked to him before assigning the project. If you aim at making your website a grand success you have to take care whether it meets the business objectives.