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10 inevitable marketing skills to capture employers attention..

10 inevitable marketing skills to capture employers attention.

Table of Contents

Ajay C Thomas


Do you know which are the marketing skills capturing attention of employers today? What makes them fight hard for a definite candidate ? Here are the few skills which will help you to lead the ranking list of the employers…

 1.Creation and marketing of accurate content:

Long term success is impossible without an investment in content marketing. This truth has been well understood by different organizations and they believe that their success entirely depends upon their contents and its accuracy. Having capability of creating helpful and convincing content will help you to top list your name in the preference list of the companies.

2. UX and web design:

Capability of providing exceptional experiences involving technological advancements in websites, mobile applications, to the customers will create bright future for the organizations. So it’s compulsory to have design skills combined with business intuition and empathy for the customer.

3. Data Analysis and science:

Various tools and technologies coming into business needs access to a lot of data. Social media interactions to the activities on different apps, the quantity and availability of big data is much disorganized. If you have the capacity of sorting, organizing, and extracting the meaningful information that helps organization to boost up their sales your value will absolutely increase. To be a data scientist is not that easy and that’s the reason they are more in demand than the software developers.

4.Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Succeeding a search is not about optimizing search engines but it’s something optimizing for humans. SEO is an investment that pays off over the long haul.

5.Pay-Per-Click (PPC):

Ability of measuring the effectiveness of PPC campaigns, using various tools like Google AdWords and having a deep understanding of keyword selection related with the content strategy is a must. It’s a competitive channel, so the deeper your expertise, the more valuable it is.

6.Agile Marketing:

Borrowing the practice of software development and applying them to the world of marketing is included in agile marketing. This iterative approach favors quick release cycles.

7.Marketing Automation:

Email is the most effective way used for marketing the products or services these days but it is getting sophisticated and has evolved into marketing automation consisting segmentation of the automated workflows that send emails to the right group at right time.

8.Marketing through social media:

We are living in a world where the competition to get attention on social media is increasing. It is the best medium to take the produced content to the audience. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are the 3 major social networks which are useful to reach the target audience instantly. Having ability to build some expertise with the positive campaigns using social media tools, assures you about getting hired soon.

9.Marketing through videos:

Videos are becoming an effective channel even in business to business context. They are very helpful in telling a story and getting the engagement of the audience. Understanding how to properly market and promote your videos through distribution channels knowing where to host your video and figure out how to analyze the data so that you know what’s working and what’s not.

10. HTML/CSS understanding:

Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS is required in this techy world as they are the new excel sheets for marketers. You should be able to tweak your content, fix some simple issues.

So i would like to conclude that if you are trying to get a job in the marketing field then its good to be well versed with all these skills and get a basic idea before presenting yourself in front of an employer…

Ajay C Thomas
