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How to Choose the Right eCommerce Platform?.

How to Choose the right ecommerce platform

Table of Contents

Savan Krishna


Choosing the right eCommerce platform is the gold standard for success in your eCommerce business, whether you’re a startup looking to conquer the peaks of eCommerce or a large corporation exploring new opportunities in the ever-evolving marketing landscape. First and foremost, it is mandatory to consider the scale of your business and the growth level you’re expecting in a year. Also, identifying your business goals is one essential factor! Nevertheless, you must assess your budget for integrating and maintaining the eCommerce platform.

Even if you’re a novice or a professional, selecting the right eCommerce platform gives you a headstart to propel your business and reap the benefits. As an eCommerce enthusiast and a growth hacker, I’ve carefully curated this blog article to help startups and enterprises reach the epitome of eCommerce.

First, Let’s understand how retail eCommerce sales are blooming and creating a buzz in the upcoming years.

An Overview of Global eCommerce Sales

Last year, in 2023, global eCommerce sales reached 5.8 trillion US dollars. Statistical data states a 39% growth from the previous years, surpassing over 8 trillion US dollars by 2027.

The Chinese retail giant Alibaba stays at the forefront of the global eCommerce market, accounting for 23% of the market share. Indeed, experts and forecasts predict that Amazon, the eCommerce giant, will surpass Alibaba, reaching a phenomenal estimated global sales figure of 1.2 trillion US dollars.

In 2023, the Chinese eCommerce market claimed the #1 spot globally, with nearly half of the country’s online retail transactions. Indonesia secured the second position with the highest percentage of retail sales conducted on the Internet at 32%, closely followed by the United Kingdom and South Korea, surpassing the 30% mark in online retail transactions.

Are you an entrepreneur in the hunt for an eCommerce marketing agency? Check out this insightful blog post by our tech experts: Top 12 eCommerce marketing agencies in 2024.

eCommerce Platform

What to Consider While Picking Your eCommerce Platform?

Selecting the right eCommerce platform is equivalent to choosing a solid foundation for your online business. It must be robust, adaptable, and balanced for growth. Amidst the myriad of options available, determining the best one requires careful consideration of the following ten factors:

  1. Future-proof your business: Imagine the future size of your store. Handpick a platform that scales to accommodate your existing product range and future expansion plans.
  2. Budget with precision: eCommerce platforms vary in cost, from free to premium. Establish your budget upfront, factoring the initial expenses and monthly fees, transaction charges and app integrations.
  3. Tech proficiency matters: Assess your comfort level with technology. Some platforms are user-friendly with drag-and-drop interfaces, while others demand coding expertise.
  4. Consider mobile responsiveness: In today’s smartphone-dominated landscape, ensure your platform is responsive and functions across all media devices, from desktops to tablets to mobiles.
  5. Payment flexibility: Choose an eCommerce platform that seamlessly integrates with various payment gateways, encompassing popular options and local favourites.
  6. Leverage marketing tools: Boost customer attraction and sales with integrated marketing tools such as email marketing, SEO optimisation and social media integration.
  7. Security is paramount: Safeguard customer data and your business reputation by prioritising robust security features, including data encryption and fraud prevention.
  8. Community support: Avoid isolation. Seek a platform with a supportive community forum, tutorials and accessible customer service to navigate challenges effectively.
  9. Embrace integration: Effortlessly link your store with essential tools like accounting software, shipping providers and marketing platforms for a productive workflow.
  10. Analyse and adapt: Use the power of data. Choose an eCommerce platform providing insightful analytics to monitor your store’s performance, identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.

Remember, the “best” platform aligns with your unique business needs. By carefully considering these ten factors, you lay the groundwork for an eCommerce store that thrives and grows alongside your business!

WooCommerce eCommerce platform

WooCommerce, a free plugin for WordPress, has become a widespread choice for building online stores. Here’s a breakdown of its benefits, drawbacks, pricing and ideal users:


  • Free to use and customise, offering complete control and data ownership.
  • Comprises 850+ extensions and 80+ themes to tailor your store to any niche.
  • Grows with your business, accommodating simple stores to complex enterprises.
  • Built on WordPress, known for its SEO strengths, boosting organic visibility.
  • Extensive support resources and forums for troubleshooting and learning.
  • Content management capabilities of WordPress.
  • User-friendly interface.


  • Free core platform, minimal ongoing costs compared to SaaS solutions.
  • Highly customisable to fit unique brand identity and needs.
  • Regular updates and community focus to ensure security measures are in place.
  • Large and active community for help and knowledge sharing.
  • Integrates with analytics and marketing tools for better insights.


  • Requires some technical understanding for setup and maintenance.
  • Separate hosting costs for WordPress and WooCommerce.
  • You are responsible for maintaining security updates and plugins.
  • Require learning and managing additional plugins for advanced features.
  • Limited direct support from WooCommerce.


The core platform is free to use. For the extensions, paid options are available for additional features and functionalities, ranging from $39 to $299. The themes are available for $47 annually. Separate hosting costs depending on the provider and plan.

Who is it ideal for?

Tech-savvy entrepreneurs who feel at ease with technical aspects and enjoy customisation will find WooCommerce handy. As an eCommerce marketing agency, we highly recommend WooCommerce for growing businesses seeking a scalable platform to accommodate future expansion.

If your business offers unique products requiring specific features or integrations not provided by generic platforms, WooCommerce is the ideal choice. Further, it is the preferred option for budget-conscious startups looking for cost-effective solutions.

Final Verdict

WooCommerce is a powerful and flexible eCommerce platform that offers excellent value for its price. However, it requires some technical knowledge and might be perfect for complete beginners. If you’re comfortable with customisation and have the technical know-how, WooCommerce can be an excellent choice for building a successful online store. However, if you prioritise ease of use and prefer hands-off management, consider managed SaaS platforms that offer more built-in features and support.

Shopify: Your All-in-One eCommerce Solution

Shopify eCommerce platform

Shopify is a leading cloud-based eCommerce platform that enables businesses of all sizes to launch and manage online stores. With a user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, it’s a great choice, but is it the right fit for you? Let’s delve into its benefits, drawbacks, pricing and ideal users.


  • Shopify’s drag-and-drop builder and intuitive interface make it perfect for beginners who don’t have coding knowledge.
  • Shopify can accommodate your needs with various plans and app integrations as your business grows.
  • Access a vast app marketplace to add features like marketing, shipping and customer service to your store.
  • Today’s on-the-go shoppers rely on mobile-optimised Shopify stores for seamless browsing experiences.
  • Ensure the protection of your store and customer data with built-in security features and PCI compliance.
  • Built-in marketing tools like email marketing and abandoned cart recovery help attract and convert customers.


  • From product management to payment processing, Shopify covers most eCommerce needs.
  • Choose from numerous customisable themes to create a unique brand identity for your store.
  • Get help when you need it with Shopify’s extensive support resources and live chat.
  • Benefit from a vast community of users and developers sharing knowledge and support.


  • Shopify charges transaction fees on top of its monthly subscription, which can add up for high-volume businesses.
  • While the app store is vast, many essential apps come with additional monthly fees.
  • While themes are customisable, extensive design changes require coding knowledge.
  • If you require highly customised features or integrations, consider exploring other platforms that suit your needs.


Shopify offers three main pricing plans:

  • Basic Shopify: $29/month (suitable for startups)
  • Shopify: $79/month (most popular plan)
  • Advanced Shopify: $299/month (for high-volume businesses)

Additional transaction fees and app costs apply.

Who is it ideal for?

Shopify is perfect for small and medium-sized businesses, including entrepreneurs, startups, and established companies seeking a user-friendly platform to launch and expand their online stores. It is particularly well-suited for eCommerce businesses selling physical products, offering features such as inventory management and seamless shipping integrations. However, if your store requires extensive design changes or complex integrations, hire a web design agency in London suited to such needs.

Final Verdict

Shopify is a powerful and user-friendly eCommerce platform that can help businesses of all sizes launch and manage their online stores. However, it’s crucial to consider the transaction fees, app costs, and limitations in customisation before making a decision. If you’re a small business owner looking for a beginner-friendly platform with a wide range of features, Shopify is an excellent choice. However, if you need a highly customised store or have complex business needs, explore other platforms for a better fit.

BigCommerce: A Versatile eCommerce Platform

BigCommerce eCommerce platform

BigCommerce is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) eCommerce platform designed to cater to businesses of all sizes, from small startups to established enterprises. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools for building online stores, managing products, processing payments and marketing to customers.


  • You can easily add new features, functionalities and integrations as your needs evolve.
  • Unlike some closed eCommerce platforms, BigCommerce gives you freedom and control over your store. You can use its open APIs and SDKs to integrate with various third-party tools and services.
  • Supports selling across multiple channels, including online stores, marketplaces and social media platforms.
  • The platform is built with search engine optimisation in mind, helping your online store rank higher in search results.
  • BigCommerce takes security seriously, offering robust features to protect your store and customer data.
  • Access a vast app marketplace with hundreds of pre-built solutions to extend your store’s functionality.


  • User-friendly interface with drag-and-drop store builder.
  • Excellent customer support.
  • Wide range of built-in features.
  • Strong developer community and resources.


  • Pricing can be higher than some competitors for smaller businesses.
  • Some complex features may require technical expertise.
  • Limited built-in marketing automation tools.


BigCommerce offers three pricing tiers: Standard, Plus and Pro. The starting price for the Standard plan is $29 per month, but the actual cost can vary depending on your store’s needs and the features you choose.

Who is it ideal for?

BigCommerce suits businesses of all sizes because it provides a scalable and flexible platform that can grow alongside them. It values open APIs and integrates well with third-party tools. The platform excels in omnichannel capabilities, making it a strong choice for businesses looking to expand their reach. While it comes with a slightly higher price tag than some platforms, businesses comfortable with this investment will find BigCommerce a valuable asset to their operations.

Final Verdict

BigCommerce is a powerful and versatile eCommerce platform with a lot to offer businesses of all sizes. Its user-friendly interface, scalability, and open architecture make it a compelling option for those looking for a platform which can grow with them. However, the higher price point and need for technical expertise may discourage some smaller businesses. Ultimately, your decision depends on your specific needs and budget.

Adobe Commerce (Magento): A Flexible eCommerce Platform

Magento (Adobe Commerce) eCommerce platform

Formerly known as Magento, Adobe Commerce is a powerful, feature-rich enterprise-grade eCommerce platform designed to cater to the needs of high-volume businesses with complex requirements.


  • Handles large product catalogues, high traffic volumes and international expansion with ease.
  • Offers extensive customisation options, headless architecture for omnichannel experiences, and a robust API for seamless integrations.
  • Features built-in SEO tools, a promotions engine, and targeted marketing capabilities to boost sales and conversions.
  • PCI-compliant platform with robust security features to protect sensitive customer data.
  • Extensive community support and resources for developers to extend functionalities.


  • Ideal for large businesses with complex needs and high growth potential.
  • Offers powerful features and customisation options for unique business requirements.
  • Provides a solid foundation for building omnichannel experiences.
  • Strong security and compliance features ensure data protection.


  • Requires significant investment in licensing, implementation, and ongoing maintenance.
  • Requires technical expertise to manage and customise the platform effectively.
  • Not user-friendly for beginners due to its complexity.
  • This may be overkill for smaller businesses with simple needs.


Adobe Commerce pricing is complex and based on individual business needs. It typically involves a combination of licensing fees, implementation costs, hosting charges, and ongoing support subscriptions. Expect to pay several thousand dollars per month.

Who is it ideal for?

Adobe Commerce is well-suited for large enterprises with significant sales volumes and complex product catalogues. It enables businesses that require extensive customisation options and omnichannel capabilities. Moreover, it is ideal for companies with dedicated IT resources and technical expertise to leverage their full potential.

Final Verdict

Adobe Commerce is a powerful and versatile eCommerce platform. But it comes with a hefty price tag and significant technical complexity. It’s best suited for large businesses with the resources and expertise to leverage its advanced features and achieve high growth. Smaller businesses or those with simple needs may find more affordable and user-friendly alternatives.

How We Choose the Best eCommerce Platform?

When selecting the ideal eCommerce platform, a detailed evaluation process is essential. We have examined countless options and identified four eCommerce platforms that emerged as frontrunners: WooCommerce, Shopify, BigCommerce and Adobe Commerce (Magento). 

We guided the selection process based on several criteria:

  • Scalability and growth
  • Ease of use and management
  • Customisation and flexibility
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Security and reliability. 

We prioritised platforms that help businesses adapt to evolving needs and customer bases, accommodating an expanding product catalogue, handling increased traffic, and integrating seamlessly with future growth strategies. We also looked for platforms with a user-friendly interface and intuitive backend that allow store owners, even those with minimal technical expertise, to establish, manage, and maintain their online stores. 

Customisation and flexibility were also crucial factors. We looked for eCommerce platforms that fit individual brand identities and unique business requirements. 

It encompasses the capability to adjust the storefront’s appearance, incorporate vital tools, and introduce bespoke functionalities.

Cost-effectiveness was also evaluated, including ongoing fees, transaction costs, and additional expenses associated with app integrations or custom development. We aimed to find a balance between affordability and the value proposition offered by each platform. 

Ultimately, robust security measures to safeguard customer data and ensure seamless operation were non-negotiable. We also carefully considered the platform’s reputation for uptime and reliability. 

Through this rigorous evaluation process, WooCommerce, Shopify, BigCommerce, and Adobe Commerce (Magento) distinguished themselves as the most compelling options, each catering to diverse business needs and technical proficiencies.

Bottom Line

Select an eCommerce platform that goes beyond features, focusing on laying the groundwork for agility and growth. In today’s ever-changing digital landscape, choose a platform that enables your team to adapt and grab new opportunities. Also, ensure your tech stack doesn’t hinder your progress! 

Keep in mind that the eCommerce platform is:

  • Scalable: Capable of growing with your business, evolving from a startup to an industry leader.
  • Flexible: Adaptable to changing needs and technologies without a complete overhaul.
  • User-friendly: Simple for your team to learn and manage, boosting efficiency and minimising frustration.
  • Integrated: Seamlessly connecting with other tools and services in your tech stack.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can select an eCommerce platform that propels your eCommerce success rather than becoming a hindrance. Make a wise investment, embrace agility, and witness your business flourish!

eCommerce Platforms FAQs

Q1) What is an eCommerce platform?

An eCommerce platform is a software solution that helps businesses manage all aspects of their online store, including product listings, inventory management, marketing, sales, and customer service. It acts as the digital infrastructure for your online business, providing a one-stop shop for all the features you need to run your online store efficiently. Some of the features offered by an eCommerce platform include:
1. Product management: Adding, editing, and managing product listings, including descriptions, images, and pricing.
2. Shopping cart: Allowing customers to add items to their cart, view their purchase, and proceed to checkout.
3. Payment processing: Securely accepting customer payments through various methods like credit cards, debit cards, and online wallets.
4. Inventory management: Tracking stock levels, managing product availability, and setting reorder points.
5. Marketing tools: Integrating features like email campaigns, social media marketing, and search engine optimisation (SEO) tools.
6. Customer service: Managing customer inquiries, returns, and exchanges through a centralised platform.

Q2) Which platform is best for eCommerce?

There is no single “best” eCommerce platform as the ideal choice depends on several factors specific to your business needs, such as:
1. Your budget: Different platforms offer varying pricing structures, including monthly subscription fees, transaction fees, and additional costs for add-ons.
2. Your technical expertise: Some platforms are easier to use and require minimal technical knowledge, while others offer more customisation options but may require some coding experience.
3. The type of products you sell: Certain platforms cater better to specific industries or product types.
4. Your desired features: Different platforms offer different functionalities. So, choose one offering the features you need to run your business smoothly.

Q3) What are the three types of eCommerce?

There are three main categories of eCommerce businesses, depending on who they sell to:
1. Business-to-Consumer (B2C): This is the most common type, where businesses sell directly to individual consumers. Examples include online retailers selling clothing, electronics, or groceries.
2. Business-to-Business (B2B): Businesses sell products or services to other businesses. It could involve selling raw materials, wholesale goods, or software solutions.
3. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C): Individuals sell products or services to other individuals, often through online marketplaces like eBay or Etsy.

Q4) Is Amazon an eCommerce platform?

Yes, Amazon is a prominent eCommerce platform. It functions in two ways:
1. As a retailer: Amazon directly sells its own products to consumers.
2. As a marketplace: Amazon allows third-party sellers to list and sell their products on its platform, taking a commission on each sale.

It allows individual sellers and businesses to leverage Amazon’s vast customer base and established infrastructure to reach a wider audience and sell their products online.

Savan Krishna
